Militari press is one of the oldest exercises for shoulders and is considered to exercise power, aimed primarily at effects on the front head of the deltoid muscle. Mesial area involved very low, but the rear does not include traffic. This exercise can be performed by or stoezh sedezh. Sedezhat provides more stable support and a safe. Since it is used more often by the press before breast stoezh will be cut further this movement. Although it considered power movement has strict requirements in order to prevent injuries. Due to its dangerous nature to him recommended mild resistance especially in the initial phase of studying. Of particular importance is the correct form of execution in order to achieve the desired effect of this very useful, but risky exercise, not peril.
To achieve the full natural range of motion, it is the distance between the hands to be slightly greater than the width of the shoulders. In broad hvat as a natural arm and forearms at right angles and wider than it limited amplitude of movement and can cause congestion on links and shoulder tendons.
Po catch larger drives in addition to export elbows back behind the rod, but not in the correct position below. Their removal reduces the impact on the back shoulder muscles and instead loaded a significant relationship of tendons and deltoid muscle, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of exercise and increases the danger of receiving injuries.
Conversely, a narrow catch of the width of the shoulders to make hands pressed to the chest during extrusion. This causes retortion in the back arc. Twisted back resulted in injuries in the waist area.
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