
joi, 15 octombrie 2009

Golf Can Help With Fitness, If You Walk It

Posted by dantntfcs

Many athletes often debate if golf should be considered a sport as golf is not seen as a very active exercise focused sport.
However, exercise for the average person may lie at the key of the debate since golf does not include a lot if you use a golf cart to get around the tees, but on the PGA Tour players must walk the course. This means that each golfer walks about four miles in addition to swinging their clubs.
For an average 175 pound person, the activity would burn more than 300 calories which may make you think twice about renting a golf cart once you get out on the green.
If you want to maximize the physical activity that you get out of an average game of golf you might also think about skipping the caddy and carrying your own bag as well since it will help work out some of your core muscles.
These are just a few ways that you can use golf to get in shape this summer, but there are plenty of other sports that you may think of as recreational activities such as tennis, bicycling, or a sightseeing stroll that can help you get in shape as well with just a bit of tweaking.


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