
joi, 15 octombrie 2009

Golf Fitness Exercises

Posted by dantntfcs

Golf requires practice, skill and patience. Keep some in reserve for when you hit the golf fields ... Golfers need to concetrate on technique to see improvement, but two important components of conditioning can improve your golf fitness and reduce your risk of injury. 
The two areas to focus on include core strength and flexibility exercises. The muscles of the core are the powerhouse and the foundation of your golf swing so proper conditioning will truly make a big difference in the power you get from your long shots. 
Good core strength also allows you to have more endurance so your short game is more precise, fresh and controlled. The core exercises work the muscles of the abdominals, back and hips. Many other muscles attach to this area so the midsection is considered the foundation of all movement. 
A good example of a golf exercise is the Golf Posture Lateral Raise: 
- Bend forward at hips just beyond normal golf posture. 
- Hold dumbbells in front of your thighs, palms facing each other. 
- Slowly raise dumbbell to the side and up. 
- Slowly bring back down to pre-stretch position. 

This will quickly build up the strength in the back of your shoulders for a strong take-away and downswing. The only equipment required was a pair of dumbbells, or hand weights. 
Back pain is the golfer's most common complaint. The golf swing can put a lot of strain on this area, so make sure you stretch those back muscles. 


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